uuid: ab288b9b-1f3c-455a-9fbd-dfb7fb604e2d langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - drutopia_collection id: config_sync.module.drutopia_collection snapshotSet: config_sync extensionType: module extensionName: drutopia_collection items: - collection: '' name: core.entity_form_display.node.collection.default data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.field.node.collection.body - field.field.node.collection.field_authors - field.field.node.collection.field_collection_items - field.field.node.collection.field_collection_type - field.field.node.collection.field_image - field.field.node.collection.field_meta_tags - field.field.node.collection.field_summary - field.field.node.collection.field_tags - field.field.node.collection.field_topics - image.style.thumbnail - node.type.collection module: - image - metatag - path - text id: node.collection.default targetEntityType: node bundle: collection mode: default content: created: type: datetime_timestamp weight: 10 region: content settings: { } third_party_settings: { } field_authors: weight: 4 settings: match_operator: CONTAINS size: 60 placeholder: '' third_party_settings: { } type: entity_reference_autocomplete region: content field_collection_items: weight: 5 settings: match_operator: CONTAINS size: 60 placeholder: '' third_party_settings: { } type: entity_reference_autocomplete region: content field_collection_type: weight: 1 settings: { } third_party_settings: { } type: options_select region: content field_image: weight: 3 settings: progress_indicator: throbber preview_image_style: thumbnail third_party_settings: { } type: image_image region: content field_meta_tags: weight: 7 settings: { } third_party_settings: { } type: metatag_firehose region: content field_summary: weight: 2 settings: rows: 5 placeholder: '' third_party_settings: { } type: text_textarea region: content field_tags: weight: 15 settings: match_operator: CONTAINS size: 60 placeholder: '' third_party_settings: { } type: entity_reference_autocomplete region: content field_topics: weight: 14 settings: match_operator: CONTAINS size: 60 placeholder: '' third_party_settings: { } type: entity_reference_autocomplete region: content path: type: path weight: 8 region: content settings: { } third_party_settings: { } promote: type: boolean_checkbox settings: display_label: true weight: 12 region: content third_party_settings: { } status: type: boolean_checkbox settings: display_label: true weight: 13 region: content third_party_settings: { } sticky: type: boolean_checkbox settings: display_label: true weight: 11 region: content third_party_settings: { } title: type: string_textfield weight: 0 region: content settings: size: 60 placeholder: '' third_party_settings: { } uid: type: entity_reference_autocomplete weight: 6 settings: match_operator: CONTAINS size: 60 placeholder: '' region: content third_party_settings: { } url_redirects: weight: 9 region: content settings: { } third_party_settings: { } hidden: body: true - collection: '' name: core.entity_form_display.paragraph.drutopia_collection.default data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.field.paragraph.drutopia_collection.field_items - paragraphs.paragraphs_type.drutopia_collection id: paragraph.drutopia_collection.default targetEntityType: paragraph bundle: drutopia_collection mode: default content: field_items: weight: 0 settings: match_operator: CONTAINS size: 60 placeholder: '' third_party_settings: { } type: entity_reference_autocomplete region: content hidden: created: true status: true - collection: '' name: core.entity_view_display.node.collection.default data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.field.node.collection.body - field.field.node.collection.field_authors - field.field.node.collection.field_collection_items - field.field.node.collection.field_collection_type - field.field.node.collection.field_image - field.field.node.collection.field_meta_tags - field.field.node.collection.field_summary - field.field.node.collection.field_tags - field.field.node.collection.field_topics - node.type.collection module: - ds - image - metatag - text - user id: node.collection.default targetEntityType: node bundle: collection mode: default content: body: label: hidden type: text_default weight: 2 settings: { } third_party_settings: { } region: content field_authors: weight: 5 label: hidden settings: link: true third_party_settings: { } type: entity_reference_label region: content field_collection_items: weight: 6 label: hidden settings: view_mode: teaser link: false third_party_settings: ds: ds_limit: '' type: entity_reference_entity_view region: content field_collection_type: weight: 9 label: above settings: link: true third_party_settings: { } type: entity_reference_label region: content field_image: weight: 3 label: hidden settings: image_style: '' image_link: '' third_party_settings: { } type: image region: content field_meta_tags: weight: 4 label: hidden settings: { } third_party_settings: { } type: metatag_empty_formatter region: content field_summary: weight: 1 label: hidden settings: { } third_party_settings: { } type: text_default region: content field_tags: weight: 8 label: above settings: link: true third_party_settings: { } type: entity_reference_label region: content field_topics: weight: 7 label: above settings: link: true third_party_settings: { } type: entity_reference_label region: content links: weight: 0 region: content settings: { } third_party_settings: { } hidden: search_api_excerpt: true - collection: '' name: core.entity_view_display.node.collection.full data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - core.entity_view_mode.node.full - field.field.node.collection.body - field.field.node.collection.field_authors - field.field.node.collection.field_collection_items - field.field.node.collection.field_collection_type - field.field.node.collection.field_image - field.field.node.collection.field_meta_tags - field.field.node.collection.field_summary - field.field.node.collection.field_tags - field.field.node.collection.field_topics - node.type.collection module: - ds - image - text - user third_party_settings: ds: layout: id: ds_2col_stacked library: ds/ds_2col_stacked disable_css: true entity_classes: all_classes settings: wrappers: header: div left: div right: div footer: div outer_wrapper: div attributes: '' link_attribute: '' link_custom: '' classes: layout_class: { } regions: header: - field_image left: - node_post_date - field_authors - field_collection_type - field_topics - field_tags right: - field_summary - field_collection_items fields: node_post_date: plugin_id: node_post_date weight: 1 label: hidden formatter: ds_post_date_month_day_year id: node.collection.full targetEntityType: node bundle: collection mode: full content: field_authors: weight: 2 label: hidden settings: link: true third_party_settings: { } type: entity_reference_label region: left field_collection_items: weight: 7 label: hidden settings: view_mode: teaser link: false third_party_settings: ds: ds_limit: '' type: entity_reference_entity_view region: right field_collection_type: type: entity_reference_label weight: 3 region: left label: visually_hidden settings: link: false third_party_settings: { } field_image: weight: 0 label: hidden settings: image_style: '' image_link: '' third_party_settings: { } type: image region: header field_summary: weight: 6 label: hidden settings: { } third_party_settings: { } type: text_default region: right field_tags: type: entity_reference_label weight: 5 region: left label: hidden settings: link: true third_party_settings: { } field_topics: type: entity_reference_label weight: 4 region: left label: visually_hidden settings: link: true third_party_settings: { } hidden: body: true field_meta_tags: true links: true search_api_excerpt: true - collection: '' name: core.entity_view_display.node.collection.teaser data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - core.entity_view_mode.node.teaser - field.field.node.collection.body - node.type.collection module: - text - user id: node.collection.teaser targetEntityType: node bundle: collection mode: teaser content: body: label: hidden type: text_summary_or_trimmed weight: 101 settings: trim_length: 600 third_party_settings: { } region: content links: weight: 100 settings: { } third_party_settings: { } region: content hidden: search_api_excerpt: true - collection: '' name: core.entity_view_display.paragraph.drutopia_collection.default data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.field.paragraph.drutopia_collection.field_items - paragraphs.paragraphs_type.drutopia_collection id: paragraph.drutopia_collection.default targetEntityType: paragraph bundle: drutopia_collection mode: default content: field_items: weight: 0 label: above settings: link: true third_party_settings: { } type: entity_reference_label region: content hidden: search_api_excerpt: true - collection: '' name: field.field.node.collection.body data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.body - node.type.collection module: - text id: node.collection.body field_name: body entity_type: node bundle: collection label: Body description: '' required: false translatable: true default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: display_summary: true field_type: text_with_summary - collection: '' name: field.field.node.collection.field_authors data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_authors - node.type.collection - node.type.people id: node.collection.field_authors field_name: field_authors entity_type: node bundle: collection label: Authors description: 'Optionally attribute this collection to one or more of the People with profiles on the site.' required: false translatable: true default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: handler: 'default:node' handler_settings: target_bundles: people: people sort: field: title direction: ASC auto_create: false auto_create_bundle: '' field_type: entity_reference - collection: '' name: field.field.node.collection.field_body_paragraph data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_body_paragraph - node.type.collection - paragraphs.paragraphs_type.drutopia_collection - paragraphs.paragraphs_type.image - paragraphs.paragraphs_type.text module: - entity_reference_revisions id: node.collection.field_body_paragraph field_name: field_body_paragraph entity_type: node bundle: collection label: 'Body paragraph' description: '' required: false translatable: true default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: handler: 'default:paragraph' handler_settings: negate: 0 target_bundles: drutopia_collection: drutopia_collection image: image text: text target_bundles_drag_drop: drutopia_collection: enabled: true weight: 9 faq: weight: 10 enabled: false file: weight: 11 enabled: false image: enabled: true weight: 12 slide: weight: 13 enabled: false text: enabled: true weight: 14 update: weight: 15 enabled: false video: weight: 16 enabled: false field_type: entity_reference_revisions - collection: '' name: field.field.node.collection.field_collection_items data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_collection_items - node.type.collection id: node.collection.field_collection_items field_name: field_collection_items entity_type: node bundle: collection label: Items description: 'Select any other content on the site to display as a list of teasers by typing words from the title and looking for the autocompletion of the content you want in the collection. You can change the order after adding each item.' required: true translatable: false default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: handler: views handler_settings: view: view_name: collection_select_content display_name: entity_reference arguments: { } field_type: entity_reference - collection: '' name: field.field.node.collection.field_collection_type data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_collection_type - node.type.collection - taxonomy.vocabulary.collection_type id: node.collection.field_collection_type field_name: field_collection_type entity_type: node bundle: collection label: 'Collection type' description: '' required: false translatable: false default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: handler: 'default:taxonomy_term' handler_settings: target_bundles: collection_type: collection_type sort: field: name direction: asc auto_create: false auto_create_bundle: '' field_type: entity_reference - collection: '' name: field.field.node.collection.field_image data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_image - node.type.collection module: - image id: node.collection.field_image field_name: field_image entity_type: node bundle: collection label: Image description: '' required: false translatable: true default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: file_directory: '[date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m]' file_extensions: 'png gif jpg jpeg' max_filesize: '' max_resolution: '' min_resolution: '' alt_field: true alt_field_required: true title_field: false title_field_required: false default_image: uuid: '' alt: '' title: '' width: null height: null handler: 'default:file' handler_settings: { } field_type: image - collection: '' name: field.field.node.collection.field_meta_tags data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_meta_tags - node.type.collection module: - metatag id: node.collection.field_meta_tags field_name: field_meta_tags entity_type: node bundle: collection label: 'Meta tags' description: '' required: false translatable: true default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: { } field_type: metatag - collection: '' name: field.field.node.collection.field_summary data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_summary - node.type.collection module: - text id: node.collection.field_summary field_name: field_summary entity_type: node bundle: collection label: Summary description: 'Use this space to introduce your collection with a short description. This summary is also> displayed on teasers, such as those shown in search results. ' required: true translatable: true default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: { } field_type: text_long - collection: '' name: field.field.node.collection.field_tags data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_tags - node.type.collection - taxonomy.vocabulary.tags id: node.collection.field_tags field_name: field_tags entity_type: node bundle: collection label: Tags description: '' required: false translatable: true default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: handler: 'default:taxonomy_term' handler_settings: target_bundles: tags: tags sort: field: name direction: asc auto_create: true auto_create_bundle: '' field_type: entity_reference - collection: '' name: field.field.node.collection.field_topics data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_topics - node.type.collection - taxonomy.vocabulary.topics id: node.collection.field_topics field_name: field_topics entity_type: node bundle: collection label: Topics description: '' required: false translatable: true default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: handler: 'default:taxonomy_term' handler_settings: target_bundles: topics: topics sort: field: name direction: asc auto_create: false auto_create_bundle: '' field_type: entity_reference - collection: '' name: field.field.paragraph.drutopia_collection.field_items data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.storage.paragraph.field_items - node.type.article - node.type.blog - node.type.people - paragraphs.paragraphs_type.drutopia_collection id: paragraph.drutopia_collection.field_items field_name: field_items entity_type: paragraph bundle: drutopia_collection label: Items description: 'Select any other content on the site to display as a list of teasers by typing words from the title and looking for the autocompletion of the content you want in the collection. You can change the order after adding each item.' required: true translatable: false default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: handler: 'default:node' handler_settings: target_bundles: article: article blog: blog people: people sort: field: changed direction: DESC auto_create: false auto_create_bundle: article field_type: entity_reference - collection: '' name: field.storage.node.field_collection_items data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - node id: node.field_collection_items field_name: field_collection_items entity_type: node type: entity_reference settings: target_type: node module: core locked: false cardinality: -1 translatable: true indexes: { } persist_with_no_fields: false custom_storage: false - collection: '' name: field.storage.node.field_collection_type data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - node - taxonomy id: node.field_collection_type field_name: field_collection_type entity_type: node type: entity_reference settings: target_type: taxonomy_term module: core locked: false cardinality: 1 translatable: true indexes: { } persist_with_no_fields: false custom_storage: false - collection: '' name: field.storage.paragraph.field_items data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - node - paragraphs id: paragraph.field_items field_name: field_items entity_type: paragraph type: entity_reference settings: target_type: node module: core locked: false cardinality: -1 translatable: true indexes: { } persist_with_no_fields: false custom_storage: false - collection: '' name: node.type.collection data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - menu_ui third_party_settings: menu_ui: available_menus: - main parent: 'main:' name: Collection type: collection description: 'Create a collection to bring together ordered listings of Articles, Blog posts, or other content. This is useful for magazine issues or online books (referencing each chapter) or to create a meta-resource of recommended resources and people.' help: '' new_revision: true preview_mode: 1 display_submitted: false - collection: '' name: paragraphs.paragraphs_type.drutopia_collection data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: { } id: drutopia_collection label: Collection icon_uuid: null description: 'Allows grouping referenced content together. For instance, an Issue collection could use collection paragraphs to group articles into three themes within that issue.' behavior_plugins: { } - collection: '' name: pathauto.pattern.collection_type data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - ctools - taxonomy id: collection_type label: 'Collection type' type: 'canonical_entities:taxonomy_term' pattern: '[term:vocabulary]/[term:name]' selection_criteria: 4706378a-3a02-48d7-8672-d8313e9c20f3: id: 'entity_bundle:taxonomy_term' bundles: article_type: collection_type negate: false context_mapping: taxonomy_term: taxonomy_term uuid: 4706378a-3a02-48d7-8672-d8313e9c20f3 selection_logic: and weight: -5 relationships: { } - collection: '' name: search_api.index.collection data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - node - user - search_api config: - field.storage.node.field_authors - field.storage.node.field_collection_type - field.storage.node.field_summary - field.storage.node.field_tags - field.storage.node.field_topics - search_api.server.database - core.entity_view_mode.node.search_index id: collection name: Collection description: 'An index for the collection content type.' read_only: false field_settings: changed: label: Changed datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: changed type: date dependencies: module: - node created: label: 'Authored on' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: created type: date dependencies: module: - node field_authors: label: Authors datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: field_authors type: integer dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_authors field_collection_type: label: 'Collection type' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: field_collection_type type: integer dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_collection_type field_summary: label: Summary datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: field_summary type: text dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_summary field_tags: label: Tags datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: field_tags type: integer dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_tags field_topics: label: Topics datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: field_topics type: integer dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_topics name: label: 'Authored by » User » Name' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'uid:entity:name' type: string dependencies: module: - node - user - user promote: label: 'Promoted to front page' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: promote type: boolean dependencies: module: - node rendered_item: label: 'Rendered HTML output' property_path: rendered_item type: text configuration: roles: anonymous: anonymous view_mode: 'entity:node': collection: search_index status: label: Published datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: status type: boolean dependencies: module: - node sticky: label: 'Sticky at top of lists' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: sticky type: boolean dependencies: module: - node title: label: Title datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: title type: string dependencies: module: - node uid: label: 'Authored by' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: uid type: integer dependencies: module: - node datasource_settings: 'entity:node': bundles: default: false selected: - collection languages: default: true selected: { } processor_settings: add_url: { } aggregated_field: { } rendered_item: { } tracker_settings: default: indexing_order: fifo options: index_directly: true cron_limit: 50 server: database - collection: '' name: taxonomy.vocabulary.collection_type data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: { } name: 'Collection type' vid: collection_type description: 'For categorizing collections on aspects unique to collections.' weight: 0 - collection: '' name: views.view.collection data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - search_api.index.collection - system.menu.main module: - search_api - user id: collection label: Collection module: views description: 'Various displays for the collection content type.' tag: '' base_table: search_api_index_collection base_field: search_api_id core: 8.x display: default: display_plugin: default id: default display_title: Master position: 0 display_options: access: type: perm options: perm: 'access content' cache: type: none options: { } query: type: views_query options: bypass_access: false skip_access: false exposed_form: type: basic options: submit_button: Apply reset_button: false reset_button_label: Reset exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by' expose_sort_order: true sort_asc_label: Asc sort_desc_label: Desc pager: type: mini options: items_per_page: 12 offset: 0 id: 0 total_pages: null expose: items_per_page: false items_per_page_label: 'Items per page' items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50' items_per_page_options_all: false items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -' offset: false offset_label: Offset tags: previous: ‹‹ next: ›› style: type: default options: row_class: '' default_row_class: false uses_fields: false row: type: search_api options: view_modes: 'entity:node': collection: card fields: rendered_item: table: search_api_index_collection field: rendered_item id: rendered_item entity_type: null entity_field: null plugin_id: search_api relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' label: '' exclude: false alter: alter_text: false text: '' make_link: false path: '' absolute: false external: false replace_spaces: false path_case: none trim_whitespace: false alt: '' rel: '' link_class: '' prefix: '' suffix: '' target: '' nl2br: false max_length: 0 word_boundary: true ellipsis: true more_link: false more_link_text: '' more_link_path: '' strip_tags: false trim: false preserve_tags: '' html: false element_type: '' element_class: '' element_label_type: '' element_label_class: '' element_label_colon: true element_wrapper_type: '' element_wrapper_class: '' element_default_classes: true empty: '' hide_empty: false empty_zero: false hide_alter_empty: true link_to_item: false use_highlighting: false multi_type: separator multi_separator: ', ' filters: { } sorts: sticky: id: sticky table: search_api_index_collection field: sticky relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' order: DESC exposed: false expose: label: '' plugin_id: search_api created: id: created table: search_api_index_collection field: created relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' order: DESC exposed: false expose: label: '' plugin_id: search_api title: Collections header: { } footer: { } empty: { } relationships: { } arguments: { } display_extenders: { } cache_metadata: max-age: -1 contexts: - 'languages:language_interface' - url.query_args - user.permissions tags: { } block_promoted: display_plugin: block id: block_promoted display_title: 'Block Promoted' position: 2 display_options: display_extenders: { } title: Latest defaults: title: false style: true row: true pager: false link_display: false link_url: false pager: type: some options: items_per_page: 4 offset: 0 display_description: '' block_description: 'Promoted collections' link_display: page_1 link_url: '' block_hide_empty: true cache_metadata: max-age: -1 contexts: - 'languages:language_interface' - user.permissions tags: { } page_listing: display_plugin: page id: page_listing display_title: Page position: 1 display_options: display_extenders: { } path: collections menu: type: normal title: News description: 'Keep up to date.' expanded: false parent: 'menu_link_content:3f594be0-bb0f-4b30-923e-e7984983a0fd' weight: 0 context: '0' menu_name: main cache_metadata: max-age: -1 contexts: - 'languages:language_interface' - url.query_args - user.permissions tags: { } - collection: '' name: views.view.collection_select_content data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_summary module: - node - text - user id: collection_select_content label: 'Select content' module: views description: 'Choose items to include in a Collection.' tag: '' base_table: node_field_data base_field: nid core: 8.x display: default: display_plugin: default id: default display_title: Master position: 0 display_options: access: type: perm options: perm: 'access content' cache: type: tag options: { } query: type: views_query options: disable_sql_rewrite: false distinct: false replica: false query_comment: '' query_tags: { } exposed_form: type: basic options: submit_button: Apply reset_button: false reset_button_label: Reset exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by' expose_sort_order: true sort_asc_label: Asc sort_desc_label: Desc pager: type: mini options: items_per_page: 10 offset: 0 id: 0 total_pages: null expose: items_per_page: false items_per_page_label: 'Items per page' items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50' items_per_page_options_all: false items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -' offset: false offset_label: Offset tags: previous: ‹‹ next: ›› style: type: default options: grouping: { } row_class: '' default_row_class: true uses_fields: false row: type: fields options: inline: { } separator: '' hide_empty: false default_field_elements: true fields: title: id: title table: node_field_data field: title entity_type: node entity_field: title label: '' alter: alter_text: false make_link: false absolute: false trim: false word_boundary: false ellipsis: false strip_tags: false html: false hide_empty: false empty_zero: false settings: link_to_entity: true plugin_id: field relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' exclude: false element_type: '' element_class: '' element_label_type: '' element_label_class: '' element_label_colon: true element_wrapper_type: '' element_wrapper_class: '' element_default_classes: true empty: '' hide_alter_empty: true click_sort_column: value type: string group_column: value group_columns: { } group_rows: true delta_limit: 0 delta_offset: 0 delta_reversed: false delta_first_last: false multi_type: separator separator: ', ' field_api_classes: false type: id: type table: node_field_data field: type relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' label: '' exclude: false alter: alter_text: false text: '' make_link: false path: '' absolute: false external: false replace_spaces: false path_case: none trim_whitespace: false alt: '' rel: '' link_class: '' prefix: '' suffix: '' target: '' nl2br: false max_length: 0 word_boundary: true ellipsis: true more_link: false more_link_text: '' more_link_path: '' strip_tags: false trim: false preserve_tags: '' html: false element_type: kbd element_class: '' element_label_type: '' element_label_class: '' element_label_colon: false element_wrapper_type: '0' element_wrapper_class: '' element_default_classes: false empty: '' hide_empty: false empty_zero: false hide_alter_empty: true click_sort_column: target_id type: entity_reference_label settings: link: false group_column: target_id group_columns: { } group_rows: true delta_limit: 0 delta_offset: 0 delta_reversed: false delta_first_last: false multi_type: separator separator: ', ' field_api_classes: false entity_type: node entity_field: type plugin_id: field status: id: status table: node_field_data field: status relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' label: '' exclude: false alter: alter_text: false text: '' make_link: false path: '' absolute: false external: false replace_spaces: false path_case: none trim_whitespace: false alt: '' rel: '' link_class: '' prefix: '' suffix: '' target: '' nl2br: false max_length: 0 word_boundary: true ellipsis: true more_link: false more_link_text: '' more_link_path: '' strip_tags: false trim: false preserve_tags: '' html: false element_type: em element_class: '' element_label_type: '' element_label_class: '' element_label_colon: false element_wrapper_type: '' element_wrapper_class: '' element_default_classes: false empty: '' hide_empty: false empty_zero: false hide_alter_empty: true click_sort_column: value type: boolean settings: format: custom format_custom_true: '' format_custom_false: Unpublished group_column: value group_columns: { } group_rows: true delta_limit: 0 delta_offset: 0 delta_reversed: false delta_first_last: false multi_type: separator separator: ', ' field_api_classes: false entity_type: node entity_field: status plugin_id: field field_summary: id: field_summary table: node__field_summary field: field_summary relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' label: '' exclude: false alter: alter_text: false text: '' make_link: false path: '' absolute: false external: false replace_spaces: false path_case: none trim_whitespace: false alt: '' rel: '' link_class: '' prefix: '' suffix: '' target: '' nl2br: false max_length: 0 word_boundary: true ellipsis: true more_link: false more_link_text: '' more_link_path: '' strip_tags: false trim: false preserve_tags: '' html: false element_type: article element_class: '' element_label_type: '' element_label_class: '' element_label_colon: false element_wrapper_type: '' element_wrapper_class: '' element_default_classes: false empty: '' hide_empty: false empty_zero: false hide_alter_empty: true click_sort_column: value type: text_default settings: { } group_column: value group_columns: { } group_rows: true delta_limit: 0 delta_offset: 0 delta_reversed: false delta_first_last: false multi_type: separator separator: ', ' field_api_classes: false plugin_id: field filters: status: value: '1' table: node_field_data field: status plugin_id: boolean entity_type: node entity_field: status id: status expose: operator: '' group: 1 sorts: created: id: created table: node_field_data field: created order: DESC entity_type: node entity_field: created plugin_id: date relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' exposed: false expose: label: '' granularity: second header: { } footer: { } empty: { } relationships: { } arguments: { } display_extenders: { } cache_metadata: max-age: -1 contexts: - 'languages:language_content' - 'languages:language_interface' - url.query_args - 'user.node_grants:view' - user.permissions tags: - 'config:field.storage.node.field_summary' entity_reference: display_plugin: entity_reference id: entity_reference display_title: 'Entity Reference' position: 1 display_options: display_extenders: { } style: type: entity_reference options: search_fields: title: title type: type field_summary: field_summary status: '0' row: type: entity_reference options: default_field_elements: true inline: title: title type: type status: status separator: ' · ' hide_empty: true pager: type: some options: items_per_page: 20 offset: 0 cache_metadata: max-age: -1 contexts: - 'languages:language_content' - 'languages:language_interface' - 'user.node_grants:view' - user.permissions tags: - 'config:field.storage.node.field_summary'