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Out of the box Drupal VM supports having VirtualBox, Parallels as well as VMware as a provider. Besides these there are multitude of others available (for example vagrant-aws, vagrant-digitalocean). If you want to use an unsupported provider, or otherwise modify the vagrant configuration in a way that is not exposed by Drupal VM, you can create a Vagrantfile.local next to your config.yml.

The file will be sourced at the end of the Vagrant.configure block so you will have access to Vagrant's config.vm object as well as the contents of the config.yml file within the vconfig hash.

To add a configuration just create a Vagrantfile.local in the root like so:

config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v|
  # Enable GUI mode instead of running a headless machine.
  v.gui = true

  # Cap the host CPU execution at 50% usage.
  v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpuexecutioncap", "50"]

Automatically install Vagrant plugins

Drupal VM can be configured to ensure Vagrant plugins are installed by adding them to the vagrant_plugins list in your config.yml file.

 - name: vagrant-vbguest
 - name: vagrant-hostsupdater
 - name: vagrant-aws

Example: Using the vagrant-aws provider

Add the following variables to your config.yml.

aws_keypair_name: 'keypair'
aws_ami: 'ami-7747d01e'
aws_tags_name: 'Drupal VM'
aws_ssh_username: 'ubuntu'
aws_ssh_private_key: '~/.ssh/aws.pem'

Create a Vagrantfile.local in the root directory of your project.

config.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override|
  override.nfs.functional = false

  aws.access_key_id = ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']
  aws.secret_access_key = ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']
  aws.keypair_name = vconfig['aws_keypair_name']
  aws.tags['Name'] = vconfig['aws_tags_name']
  aws.ami = vconfig['aws_ami']

  override.ssh.username = vconfig['aws_ssh_username']
  override.ssh.private_key_path = vconfig['aws_ssh_private_key']

Add the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables to your shell.

Then run vagrant up --provider=aws to provision the instance.

For additional configuration options read the Vagrant AWS Provider's README.

Example: Using Drupal VM behind a corporate proxy with vagrant-proxyconf

Add the following variables to your config.yml.

proxy_http: ''
proxy_https: ''
proxy_ftp: ''
proxy_none: 'localhost,,{{ drupal_domain }}'

Create a Vagrantfile.local in the root directory of your project.

if Vagrant.has_plugin?('vagrant-proxyconf')
  config.proxy.http = vconfig['proxy_http']
  config.proxy.https = vconfig['proxy_https']
  config.git_proxy.http = vconfig['proxy_http']
  config.proxy.no_proxy = vconfig['proxy_none']
  config.proxy.ftp = vconfig['proxy_ftp']

For additional configuration options read Vagrant Proxyconf's README.