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# Ansible Role: Upload progress
Installs Upload progress PHP extension on Linux servers.
## Requirements
Prior to running this role, make sure the `php-devel` and `@Development Tools` (for RHEL/CentOS) or `php5-dev` + `build-essential` packages (for Debian/Ubuntu) are present on the system, as they are required for the build of Upload progress.
## Role Variables
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see `defaults/main.yml`):
workspace: /root
Where Xdebug setup files will be downloaded and built.
php_uploadprogress_module_path: /usr/lib/php5/modules
The path where `uploadprogress.so` will be installed.
php_uploadprogress_config_filename: 20-uploadprogress.ini
The file name for PHP config.
## Dependencies
- geerlingguy.php
## Example Playbook
- hosts: webservers
- { role: beetboxvm.upload-progress }
## License