

This project is based on Drutopia, which means it is compatible with existing and future Drutopia features. We will be diverging from Drutopia for special functionality, however.

Getting started

One time:

git clone
cd geo

Install DDEV for the following steps to work.

Whenever you want a fresh start:

git pull
ddev start
ddev composer update
ddev . drush -y site:install minimal --existing-config

Running the migration.

Put the D7 files in th following location:

<Project Root>/d7/sites/default/files/

There is a reference to the sites/default/files in the database so that structure is mandatory for the migration. The path in the upgrade_d7_file.yml migration file is different because this is executed inside the docker container so in the docker container the is: /var/www/html/ but no need to re-create those folders in the host machine.

Create a database called drupal7 with the content of the old site, check here how to create the database

Once the files are in the correct place and the database has been created we can run the following to run all the migrations:

ddev exec drush mim --group="migrate_drupal_7_geo"