> Avoid printing reply link to regular users
> Get unlinked title in a slightly less hacky way
> Prevent comment title from being link (stupid /comment/123 link at that)
Hacks just there because the FlatComment module that Gnuget ported to D8 a year and
a half ago hasn't been released by the maintainer yet :-/
Ref #32
and logged-in authenticated users to edit their comments and skip approval when posting, as
well as post in the first place.
But the comment form still isn't showing up...
Ref #32
and also to mark up the summary so it can be used in syndication to microstatus networks.
We aren't printing the summary field on blog post full pages though so that can't possibly
work, and pretty sure the paragraphs won't print a class around them (but that's just as
well, we're doing the e-content class in the node--full template and getting a bit more of
the other content fields.
Wrapping the comment body is probably going to work though.
Ref #132
It's a *lot*, though, makes you realize we need to budget at least one full-time person to be
involved in this stack, with a particular eye toward security and getting patches put through
quickly, to do Drutopia right.
Ref #32
> Place bylines outside of titlebar
> Only print the titlebar_links section if there's actually anything there
> Restore distance between byline and title that adding titlebar div took away
> Print the secondary menu in the titlebar area
> Blank out the regular secondary menu block
> Set starting default navbar to light header rather than transparent header
> Give a try printing the secondary menu in the titlebar in the header
> Scrollmagic doesn't know how to remove the initial state so just don't have it
> Minimize flash of different navbar color
> Let's try making blog posts light per design
> And whatever, let's make random non-node pages have dark blue navbars too
> Bring person node paragraphs in line with regular node paragraph handling
> Use the field summary + include paragraph wrapper for it
> Consistantly use 'false' rather than 'not true'
Ref #110
> We're using minimal HTML so we can actually print paragraph tags as designed
> Overhaul card template for small cards
> Set classes for views rows showing small cards
> Add back div for embedded views so we can pass classes in from the view
Ref #110